Common Questions After Suffering a Personal Injury

What Should I do After a Car Accident?

  1. Do not leave the scene of the accident.
  2. Stay calm and call the police.
  3. Exchange insurance information with all other parties involved.
  4. Do not admit fault or discuss the accident in a lot of detail.
  5. Take photos and videos of the scene.
  6. Let your insurance company know about the accident.
  7. Seek medical attention for your injuries.
  8. Hire an attorney to represent you.

Navigating your actions after a car wreck can be tricky, but remember to stay calm. The most important thing to do is to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Should I go to ER or Urgent Care After a Car Accident?

Sometimes patients wonder if they need to go to the ER or an urgent care center. We tell our patients ER's are meant for severe life-threatening injuries, and only go to the ER if you have major complications, the pain is unbearable or life-threatening. Urgent care centers are meant for people who have injuries that are not severe enough for the ER. Visit an urgent care center if you don't have major complications or unbearable or life-threatening pain.

If you happen to visit either an ER or an urgent care center, it's always best to follow up with a personal injury medical office. AlaMed Injury Clinics provides you with further medical care that an ER or urgent care center won't.

What Am I Responsible For After a Personal Injury?

Even with a supportive AlaMed Injury Clinics' doctor and a thoroughly documented treatment plan, there are nine important points to do from the start to keep your case moving forward:

  1. Seek medical treatment from the right doctor immediately after you know you have been injured. Don't wait.
  2. Always tell the truth to any doctor. Don't embellish but don't hold back.
  3. Keep your legal advice inquiries for your attorney. Don't use social media to fill in the blanks or ask your physician for legal help.
  4. Never skip out on or miss follow-up doctor appointments or fail to complete therapy sessions and stop medical treatment without your doctor's advice.
  5. Make it a point to provide specific pain notes and ensure it is placed inside your official medical record. Keep copies of anything you hand over to your doctor's office.
  6. If you are not able to work because of your injury, it is important to mention that problem to your doctor.
  7. You need to follow the doctor's orders. If pain medication is a concern, then have those discussions documented with your provider and ask what other options are available.
  8. If you are feeling any injury-related depression and anxiety, make sure those are properly diagnosed and treated by medical professionals as well.
  9. Keep track of all doctor's appointments, treatment referrals, and any work restrictions listed and your own timeline of events and notes. Don't depend solely on your medical file because things may be missing.

AlaMed Injury Clinics' job is to focus on your medical condition and help you heal. However, you have the most important part in the healing process and leaves you ultimately in charge. It's extremely important you maintain your scheduled appointments and continually remain consistent with your care plan given to you by AlaMed Injury Clinics' medical team.

Do I Have to Report a Car Accident to My Insurance Company?

It is in your best interest to report a car accident to your insurance company. You may not feel it is necessary at first, but you may run into vehicle problems that are unseen at the time or even injuries that do not flare up for a while.

How Can AlaMed Injury Clinics Help?

AlaMed Injury Clinics' medical team always focuses on problems with the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. We are uniquely suited to treat common slip and fall injuries, including joint pain, nerve pain, sciatica, neck pain, whiplash, and back pain along with knees, ankles, elbows, wrists, and shoulders, which are parts of the body commonly injured during slip and fall accidents.

Who Is Responsible for Paying My Medical Bills After a Slip and Fall Accident?

Many slip and fall accidents that result in injuries occur because of another individual or property owner's negligent actions.

Whether you fall in a store, at someone's house, or in a building's messy hallway if the fall and resulting injury was due to someone else's carelessness you should not be responsible for paying for your treatment.

How to Determine Who is At-Fault?

Stores and public property are required to have signs indicating steps, uneven flooring, slippery services, and so on. If you fell due to the lack of notification of a slick, wet, or uneven service, it may be the fault of the store or business owner. If you fell on private property, it might be the property owner's fault if owner knew there was a danger and have neglected to fix or make the area safe for people, especially if it was a walkway or on the way to the front door.

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